I wonder why Herge started to redraw the Blue Lotus for the coloured version of the book in 1946 but then reused the original artwork from 1934? The new artwork follows on from the redrawn Cigars of the Pharaoh but then five pages into the book, the elegantly proportioned TIntin is is replaced by a rounder headed, no-necked version.
Above are two panels, the first from page 4 and the second from page 5.
It is certainly beautiful artwork and along with the colouring, some of the backgrounds have been adjusted but it still appears to be an odd decision to change the appearance of the main character for the first four pages. Maybe time and cost were a factor.
I have to admit that when I first read the book (It was first translated into English in 1983 and I would have purchased it around this time) I did not notice the different looking TIntin.