News of the new Tintin movie project makes me excited and shudder at the same time. I love the Tintin books and would hate to see them messed with but I have read them all many times over and with no prospect of any more being written, I want to see what the film makers come up with to satisfy my addiction.
I haven't seen the earlier movies, Tintin and the Golden Fleece (1961), Tintin and the Blue Oranges (1964), and Tintin and the Lake of Sharks (1972), but I have the books of these movies and while I don't rate them highly, I treasure them because they are about Tintin.
When I heard that Weta Workshop are going to be working on an animated Snowy for the new live-action movie, I was sure that Weta's involvement would ensure a percentage of class. Most movies that work, work almost by accident. To ensure success through a combination of great script, acting, directing, pace, locations, feel, look, and casting is such a lottery. When the rare movie is made that works in all these categories, people line up to remake it so they can ruin it like it should have been made the first time round.
The main hurdle will be casting of Tintin. I hope it is a talented unknown.
And I also hope he sounds like the Tintin in my head when I read the books.
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